So I've been super busy and haven't been able to post anything lately. This is to the very few of you who actually keep up with my blog. Haha. Anyways, I thought I would share some things that have been happening lately that have stopped me from blogging or making any new videos -- (BTW, I've decided to make new videos every TUESDAY. So IF anyone does follow my blog and watch my youtube videos, make sure to subscribe and watch my videos every tuesday! If you haven't seen any of them, here's the link! :)
First off, bad news. I got a job at Speedway, worked for 3 days, and then lost it, for really dumb reasons. Bleh. I hate the manager anyways, no biggie. Good news is that this factory that pays super good money, is hiring. And the hiring people are going to help me out and get my application pulled and hopefully SUBMITTED, then maybe they'll call me in for an interview, then I'll start my first day, and the $moolah$ will start flooding in! Which is definitely what I need right now. Sorry but, student loans and financial aid really doesn't last that long when you have to buy books, a laptop, a $400 a month clinic fee, medicine, bills, shit like that. So not fun. I need MF money dude! Life ain't easy, that's for damn sure!
Since yesterday was tuesday, this week will be an exception. I will post the new video either tomorrow night or thursday. The video that I'm going to make is gonna be about tie dying stuff! I looked around on youtube to see if there was any good tie dye videos on there but there's literally only a few good ones. So, I'm gonna try to make a simple tutorial that anyone can understand. Also, I'm going to be making random videos during my daily life so that everyone can see who I really am. Things like: thrift store shopping, style videos, hair/makeup tutorials, and some stuff of my cats and my dog being weirdo's. Haha. So, stay tuned and keep up with my blog and youtube (link above^)
THIS WEEK// NEW VIDEO -3/21/12 (TONIGHT) - How to tie dye stuff!
Just found this awesome website where you can create your own animated gif! It's pretty awesome. Check it out at this link! >> Picasion
ALSO -- Check out this site! Craft Gawker This website is better than pinterest! It's a collection of everything DIY that you can imagine. It's awesome. I've learned so much going to that site! Check it out!
I've been reconstructing my t-shirts to kind of update my wardrobe without going and buying all these new clothes. So this is a great idea if you want to do that.
Here's a few of the shirts that I have reconstructed:
On this shirtI basically just cut a V neck, off the shoulder look. Cut below the seams and then go down to a point on each side. (You can use a sharpie or chalk and draw a line in the shape of a V, just to have a clearer idea of where to cut.
On this shirt, I did the same thing as the last one. V neck, off the shoulder look.
On thisshirt I just cut on the neckline to make it a circular shape. If you want an off the shoulder kind of look to your shirt, you can go about an inch away from the seam where your shoulder kind of starts, and cut down in a half circle shape.
For this shirt, I did the V neck, off the shoulder look.
For this shirt I did an off the shoulder look.
This is the racer back top type shirt. I basically just cut the back layer in 2 half circles on each side to make the back like a racer back. where the middle has a thin part. Then, I cut the sleeves off, and left the neck seam the way it was. Then you take the material from your sleeves and cut 2-3 inch strips and pull them to give the strips a rolling effect, then tie knots starting at the bottom of the thin part where it stops off and goes underneath your arms to the part at the top of your shoulders, reaching around towards the front. Tie those knots about half-inch/inch away from each other and keep tying them until you've wrapped around the front.
For this shirt I cut the neckline out, and then I took the sleeve and folded it in the middle and then cut about 5 horizontal lines. After you do that to both sleeves, stretch out the strips to give them a rolling effect, then you've got this look!
So, I've decided that I definitely want a half-sleeve. BUT - it's super hard deciding what you want to get! ESPECIALLY something so big and bold and visible! Sleeves to me are kind of like a design describing YOU. Kind of like the design you like, and things around it that mean something to you. So I've been rummaging through tumblr, google, weheartit, and other sources to find pictures of half-sleeves to kind of get ideas of what I want! Since it's PERMANENT - like all tattoos, you have to consider a few things before getting it so I am considering absolutely everything! I want it to be perfect, and I most certainly do not want to regret it when I'm 80 years old! I want to be able to be 80 and look at my arm and STILL think it's beautiful.
Here are my ideas! :)
This is kind of the outline that I want, I want it to go onto my chest and underneath my collar bone. This design is sort of like an octopus and then under her collar bone is a little bunny being choked to death! ahhh lol!
BUT - I do love this kind of outline. Not sure if I would want the same design.
This design is black and gray and has roses starting at the top and leading toward the bottom. It's a full sleeve but I do love this design.
This design is also roses at the top, which is the kind of idea that I have for mine. I know that I do want flowers incorporated into it for sure.
This is 2 roses design that I could start the sleeve with. Since I can't pay for it all at once. But I was thinking I could get this for the first tattoo and then go down with it.
I am in love with this design of flowers and greenery. I'm thinking about getting this design, maybe!
I love the flower with the om symbol inside of it and was thinking that I could incorporate that into my half-sleeve somewhere.
This is the same tattoo as the first picture. But just another idea of the outline I want.
Also, I love this top and the way it was cut! Think I'm going to recreate this look!
So, as you may know, I've been doing alot of thrift store shopping & gathering tons of clothes to reconstruct. I love reconstructing clothes and making things that look so..."blah" into.. "wah-LAH!" Another thing that I've been working on that I haven't talked much about is making jewelry. For a while about a year ago, I was making feather hair clips/earrings and would sell them to people on my facebook, my friends, family, & what not. So now, I am wanting to go in an even further direction with it, and make an online etsy shop of it! I want the etsy shop to consist of the following things: